

The future of nanotechnology
Lead by Kanazawa University

Nanomaterials Research Institute Chief
Motohiro Mizuno

Kanazawa University established the Institute for Frontier Science Initiative on 1 April 2015, and has since promoted interdisciplinary research through this initiative.
In August 2018, the Nanomaterials Research Institute was established as a part of this. Kanazawa University has combined superior technology and research in fields such as supramolecular chemistry, materials science, nanometrology and computational science. The institute includes several groups comprised of mainly young researchers led by outstanding leaders, who are advancing the development of next-generation materials and devices through an integrated approach.

A key strength of the Nanomaterials Research Institute is its advancement of manufacturing technique development that scales laboratory results to real-world practical use. This is made possible through collaboration with other domestic research agencies and well-known foreign researchers, and the utilization of formulation engineering techniques.

From now into the future, the institute will endeavor to realize breakthroughs in the research, development and manufacturing of new materials, creating new value and services for society.

As a research organization also targeting nano technology, Kanazawa University is equipped with the Nano Life Science Institute, established through MEXT’s WPI program. With the twin pillars of materials and life science, we aim to build a world class nano research hub.
We greatly appreciate your continued collaboration and support in this endeavor.