

Aiming for social implementation of
innovative university research results,
we advance the development and
high functionality of new materials
for life and industry.

Nanotechnology research and development is accelerating throughout the world, and contributions to our lifestyles and several industries are anticipated.
The Kanazawa University Nanomaterials Research Institute was created in August 2018 through the concentration of technology and research, two of our university’s strengths. The institute aims to develop materials and devices that realize superior energy savings and energy creation efficiency.

The institute currently consists of the following ten groups.
The groups work together to advance the development of innovative nanomaterials and devices that contribute to the realization of a smart society, while also pursuing their individual research themes.

At our institute, we aim to bind laboratory results with social implementation. In order to scale from the laboratory to actual production, there is a need to resolve various issues such as material durability, functional durability and cost. For this reason, at our institute we employ formulation engineering techniques, invite foreign researchers with clear achievements in R&D management to our institute as research professors, and collaborate through cross appointment systems and with domestic research groups such as the Agency of Industrial Science and Technology. This strategy allows us to strongly advance our development of manufacturing technology.